Ohio Corn Grower Roger Bonham = Super Recruiter

As you know, Lindsay and I spent the the better part of the last week in Texas covering Commodity Classic. I had the chance to visit with a number of Ohio farmers who made the trip, which is one of the best things about covering these events. One of the gentlemen I ran into is a fellow Southern Ohio boy, and was once again recognized for his commitment to the Ohio and National Corn Growers Association.



Former Ohio Corn Growers Association (OCGA) and OCMP Board Member Roger Bonham of Washington Court House was once again recognized for his achievements as a membership recruiter. In 2008 Bonham signed 314 members to the OCGA and NCGA, giving him a total of 1,029 points in the NCGA recruitment system.



Bonham has been recognized in the past as an NCGA Hall of Fame member and an avid recruiter, and has been one of the nation’s top recruiters for several years. Roger and I talked about his success as a recruiter, and he says it very simply stems from his commitment to the organization, and of course, a lot of time on the phone talking to members.