Right Angles for the First Monday of August

I’m sitting in class at The Ohio State University, chatting about social media in the overall scope of an integrated marketing plan. On the school front, I’ve officially challenged my first grade in Biology 102 (the class I wrote about in last week’s column) that I suspect may have been a little lower than earned due to my… vocal critique of the Professor’s views on antibiotic resistance. I’ll keep you posted.

On the news front:

The Beef Board/NCBA Rift Continues… As my colleague Chuck Zimmerman shares, CBB went on the offensive at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference in Denver last week, challenging “myths” discussed by NCBA leaders and members relative to the context of CBB’s audit of NCBA’s work with the checkoff. While the leadership of CBB continues its aggressive stance toward NCBA, the Federation of State Beef Councils took a very strong stance of their own, voting overwhelmingly to maintain its relationship with NCBA despite CBB’s objections.

Speaking of Beef… I’m cooking this afternoon at the Ohio State Fair! For the third year, I’ll represent the Ohio Beef Council in the Heartland Cuisine series of cooking demonstrations. Visit the Taste of Ohio Cafe presented by ABN Radio this afternoon at 5pm and I’ll prepare this tasty recipe for you…

More on the Sherrod Case… For the mainstream press, the Shirley Sherrod flap is over and done. Move along folks, nothing to see here. As NewsBusters reports, however, there is (as always) more to the story. Likewise, Tom Blumer has plenty to offer on d’affaire Sherrod…