Right Angles for Thursday Afternoon
BloggingA few items to note this afternoon:
My friends over at the NCBA Young Producers “Cattle Call” Blog took up the issue today. Lindsay has been on radio programs from Topeka, Kansas to Madison, Wisconsin this week, further illustrating the national implications this vote has for livestock production.
Hungry AND Stinky to Save the Planet – Slate has an interesting article discussing the pros and cons of taking hot showers relative to the climate change debate. So let me get this straight, now, in addition to giving up meat, I have to give up cleanliness, too? Talk about reverting to caveman days…
House Republicans Expand Web Presence – My Congressman tipped me off *via Twitter* no less, to the impending release of a House Republican iPhone app. I haven’t found the App yet, but I give the politicos credit for trying to be a little more transparent vis a vis social media and web technologies like this. Now if only the Speaker and the President would follow through on that promise to put bills on the web and debate health care on C-Span…