Tag Archives: Trends

What do consumers really want?

When It Comes to Food, What Do Consumers Really Want?

For several years now, I’ve spoken to agricultural groups and businesses about a variety of issues related to consumer perceptions of food, food marketing, and agricultural production practices. The discussion can be emotionally charged because most farmers I know derive a great deal of their personal identity and fulfillment, to say nothing of their financial […]


Majoring in the Minors

Covering “agricultural issues” is a pretty random grab bag of loosely-related topics. At present, I’m reading up on issues as varied and interwoven as dairy consumption in India, recent research on intermittent caloric restriction, and African Swine Fever. Two such random topics got me thinking over the weekend about how we, particularly in the developed […]

Social Media

How Not To Be A Jerk on the Internet

In the beginning, social media was a good thing. Sites like Facebook allowed netizens to commune with friends and family, absent the bonds of time and space. People could share anecdotes, photos and memories with one another, in some ways recreating the utility of a family or class reunion without the logistical headaches or potential […]