The Great Buckeye Tractor Cruise Sails to Success!!!
BloggingLindsay and I couldn’t be happier with the success of this weekend’s Great Buckeye Tractor Cruise! Our inaugural trek to raise money for Camp Quality of Ohio went off without a hitch thanks for our amazing staff, dedicated volunteers, and the BEST DRIVERS WE COULD HOPE FOR!!!
26 drivers made the journey from the Mercer County Fairgrounds across Mercer and Auglaize counties to a fabulous stop at the Whitney Educational Farm for an awesome lunch served by Vic’s Country Cookin’ and sponsored by the Ohio Poultry Association, and the folks at Kroger. We especially want to thank Manager Tom at the St. Mary’s store for his help and generosity!
Next, we cruised South to the Mercer/Auglize YMCA for an ice cream break courtesy of Velvet Ice Cream, followed by a short jaunt back West to participate in the Celina Lake Festival parade, where our drivers entertained over 10,000 spectators!
The great news of course, is that thanks to the generous hearts of our sponsors and drivers, the Great Buckeye Tractor Cruise raised over $5,000 for Camp Quality!!! Imagine what we’ll do next year when we have twice as many drivers!!!
A special thanks to driver Stephen Harris, whose family raised $1,000 in pledges for the Cruise!!!
Keep watching the Tractor Cruise website for a complete recap of the day’s activities, including pictures from the event. And you can still buy a DVD if you’re curious what the Cruise was all about. Just use the registration form on the website, and instead of choosing to register for the event, select the DVD option!